10 Essential Apps for Working Musicians
Musicians have always used the latest technology to advance their art so here is a list of the best 10 music apps used by the pros.*
*There are no affiliate links here – it’s a completely independent report.

#1 - Scribd recommended by Jason Page, Guitar – Freelance Musician
This useful app, although intended for ebooks, allows you to access 1000′s of scores and you can easily read them from a tablet in rehearsals and lessons. Its useful if you want a particular part to a song and haven’t got time to transcribe it.

#2 - Forscore recommended by Bryan Corbett, Trumpet – Jazz Artist and Producer
A place to store all your PDF scores. Really useful if reading from an iPad during a gig. All those times when I forgot my music, the wind would blow it off the stand or I didn’t have a stand light. Man, Im so glad times have changed! It does require some setup but once you have all your music in one place its so easy to read from at a gig.

#3 - Guitar Pro 6 recommended by James Barratt, Guitar – Freelance Musician and Rock School Examiner
A serious bit of software for any guitarist, allowing you to score out charts, print tab, listen back, transcribe your favourite solos and more.

#4 – Invoice 2 Go recommended by Andy Derrick, Trombone – Freelance Musician and Teacher of Brass at Warwick School
A hugely useful app for any freelance professional. This allows you to send an invoice instantly at the end of a gig and will even remind you when the client hasn’t paid. It saves all your invoices so you don’t have to keep writing new ones. A great app!

#5 – Back trax recommended by Nathan Anderson-Barr, Drums – Freelance Musician
Working to backing tracks can be beneficial when working out the groove or demonstrating a certain technique in a lesson. A great addition to the drummers app collection.

#6 – iReal Pro recommended by Dave Sanders, Saxophone – House Music Club Saxophonist
A monster app which has grown to be one of the best selling apps for working musicians. Starting out as a jazzers lifeline for chord changes, it’s now grown (with help from the massive online community) into an app for all musicians. Not just standards anymore; you can find 1000′s of chord charts at the click of a few buttons (or should I say press of a finger against glass) and even play them back whilst changing the key, tempo and editing the form. Amazing!

#7 – MusicNotes recommended by David Baron Stevens, Saxophone – Cruiseship musician and Unison Saxophone Artist
Similar to ForScore but works well on a 1st generation iPad. Sometimes that’s all you need when some drunken punter is only going to knock it off your stand anyway!

#8 – Spotify recommended by Terry Lewis, Guitar – Mama’s Gun and session musician for Lisa Stansfield
It doesn’t offer a great deal for artists but sometimes you just need to stream music quickly and easily. Spotify’s interface is one of the best and setting up a playlist for an impromptu DJ set in-between performances is quick and straightforward.

#9 – MetroTimer recommended by Pete Hurst, Strings – Freelance musician and educator
One of many great metronome apps out there for no cost. Essential for working out the BPM of tunes and to practice with solid time. Get it on your smartphone; then there are no excuses!

#10 – Symphony Pro recommended by Jay Riley, Musician, Educator & creator of Riley Music Academy
I couldn’t resist adding one of my own favourites. This is a great app for iPad and allows you to write out and share scores quickly and easily. Its not quite as quick as a pen and some manuscript paper but its far easier to read than my handwriting!
Did we get them all or can you suggest any others? – post below